Ingredients :
- 200 g of oatmeal Inshape Nutrition
- 40 g of peanut butter Inshape Nutrition
- 2 handfuls unsalted almonds
- 2 handfuls unsalted cashew nuts
- 1 tsp. vanilla extract
- 1 pinch salt
- 1 tsp. cinnamon
- 2 tbsp. agave syrup
- 30 g dark chocolate chips
- 20 g Inshape Nutrition coconut oil
1. Preheat oven to 180°C.
2. To prepare the granola:
In a bowl, mix the rolled oats with the almonds, cashews, peanut butter, vanilla extract, salt, cinnamon, agave syrup and coconut oil.
3. Bake for 15 - 20 min at 180°C, stirring halfway through.
4. Once cooked, leave the granola to cool. Then add the chocolate chips.
The granola is finally ready to eat!

Tibo's advice: You can store granola for up to 1 month in an airtight tin.