The gainer: what use is it for weight gain?

Whether you're still a beginner or have been a relentless sportsman for years, alternating between muscle leaning and mass gain is a very common objective. While for some, gaining mass is a matter of course, for others it can prove difficult to achieve. Between lack of time and appetite, meeting your daily calorie requirements can be a real obstacle course. So how can gainer help you build muscle mass? What are its benefits? 

What is a gainer? 

A gainer is a sports nutrition product specially designed to to help bodybuilders gain muscle mass, or for those who have or for those who have difficulty gaining weight. It is also known as a "weight gainer" or "mass gainer".

Although it comes in the same form - a flavored powder to be diluted - gainer is very different from whey. While whey protein focuses on protein intake, gainer is a balanced blend of protein and carbohydrates. balanced blend of proteins and carbohydrates and packs a lot of calories.

Side compositionis often made up of :

  • a good dose of whey proteinor vegetable proteins in the case of a vegan gainer, to boost muscle recovery;

  • from complex carbohydrateswith oat powder or maltodextrin, to provide long-lasting energy.

Some also contain creatine as a supplement. 

There are several types on the market: 

  • the lean gainerwhich has a fairly high protein content. It is also called 50/50 gainer and contains a minimum of 40% protein;

  • the hard gainerwith a high proportion of carbohydrates (generally less than 20% protein)

  • the classic or "intermediate" gainer, which has a more balanced protein/carbohydrate ratio.

How to gain weight with a gainer? 

To gain mass, you need to find the right balance between the intensity of your workouts and an appropriate eating plan.intensity of bodybuilding sessions and a suitable eating plan.. But don't confuse "muscle mass gain" with "weight gain".

The main objective is to build maximum muscle mass and limit fat gain at the same time. This requires a dose of rigor! In order to gain lean mass, you generally need to increase your calorie intake by around 10-15% of your in relation to your needs. No more than that, and you risk putting on too much fat.

To achieve this, there's no need to gorge yourself on all the sweets and fast food. Sure, these foods will provide you with calories, but they're empty of nutrients and won't nourish your body properly. Your body needs carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, micronutrients and good hydration.

However, reaching a high calorie total while eating correctly is sometimes difficult, in particular because of digestion, satiety, preparation time or lack of convenience. or lack of convenience.

Gainer is a good energy supplement to help you. Rich in proteins, carbohydrates and calories, it facilitates caloric increase, boosts anabolism and is easily assimilated. What's more? It's convenient to take with you wherever you go. By delivering carbohydrates to the body, it promotes good performance in the gym.

Whey or gainer: which to choose for mass gain? 

Depending on your metabolism, your personal Preference and your lifestyle, you can build your mass by taking whey or gainer. 

If you have difficulty in meeting your caloric requirements for mass gain without resorting to supplements, then whey can be a good way to supplement your protein intake without bringing in extra carbohydrates. Whey enables "drier" mass gain.

On the other hand, if you find it hard to finish your meals and it's complicated to put 100 g on the scaleusing a gainer seems to be the best option. Higher in calories, it helps you put on more weight.

The proteins used between the two are not necessarily the same: while whey is automatically made from whey protein, this is not always the case with gainer, which may be based on vegetable protein powder or casein.

Lean gainer or hard gainer for successful weight gain? 

The lean gainer contains a much more balanced proportion of proteins and carbohydrates than the hard gainer. This is often the preferred version (along with the "intermediate" gainer) as it promotes dry muscle mass gain and emphasizes muscle building.

The hard gainer is especially recommended for athletes who have great difficulty great difficulty in gaining weight and are unable to meet their calorie requirements. These people are often referred to as "ectomorphs".

How much gainer should I take every day to put on weight quickly? 

The aim is not to feed you gainer exclusively, but to use it sparingly in your diet, according to your needs. In general, manufacturers recommend two to three doses a day for better digestibility, but never more than 100 g of powder.

The risk with this kind of product is that you exceed your daily calorie limit, and put on more fat than you need. Always be sure to adapt your dose of gainer according to what you eat during the rest of the day.