BCAA: its benefits for muscle recovery

A sports nutrition supplement for decades, BCAAs are no strangers to the weight room. Often praised for helping to maintain and increase muscle mass, they are mainly consumed for their effects on post-workout recovery. But are they really effective? Are these dietary supplements really effective for athletes? 

What are BCAAs? 

Proteins in the human body are made up of small building blocks assembled one after the other: amino acids. There are 20 different types in the body, 9 of which are "essential". This means they cannot be synthesized by the body, but must be supplied must be supplied through the diet.

The relationship with BCAAs ?

These essential amino acids include leucine, valine and isoleucine. These are precisely the amino acids found in BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids)!

These amino acids have been chosen for the manufacture of dietary supplements because of their special role: 

  • the leucinethe most important of the three, contributes to the growth and repair of muscle and bone tissue. It prevents excessive breakdown of muscle proteins after exercise;
  • isoleucinewhich stimulates immune function and the secretion of various hormones, and regulates energy levels through its action on blood sugar levels;
  • the valinewhich helps maintain cognitive functions and muscular coordination.

How do BCAAs affect the body? 

For the human body to maintain and create muscle mass, protein synthesis (anabolism) must be greater than protein breakdown (catabolism). protein synthesis (anabolism) is greater than protein breakdown (catabolism).. Conversely, if catabolism is greater than anabolism, you'll lose muscle.

To facilitate facilitate this protein synthesisthe body needs to be supplied with sufficient protein and amino acids, including the famous BCAAs, branched-chain amino acids which play an essential and privileged role in building muscle.

By taking these dietary supplements, you will increase muscle synthesis.

This phenomenon has a positive impact on recovery !

What are the benefits of BCAAs for post-workout recovery? 

1. BCAAs limit muscle soreness after exercise 

Who hasn't experienced aches and pains after an intense leg day? You know, when climbing stairs seems insurmountable? 

From studies have shown the benefits of BCAAs in reduce muscular discomfort after training and limit muscle soreness in time and intensity. There's plenty to look forward to! By recovering faster, you'll be able to get back to work on your quadriceps, ischios-glutes and calves in no time!

2. BCAAs help build muscle mass 

It can never be said often enough rest is just as important as training if you want to see results and muscle hypertrophy. 7-day-a-week sessions won't get you any better results, and may even be counter-productive.


Because it's between the end of your workout and the next session that your muscles repair themselves and build new muscle fibres. 

By promoting protein anabolism following your workout, BCAAs help to maintain and increase your muscle mass during the recovery periodmaking them a great ally!

However, their effectiveness alone is limited. It is necessary to consume complete proteins at the same time, in order to obtain all the essential amino acids.


What other benefits does this supplement have for athletes? 

In addition to their recovery benefits, BCAAs have other uses. Whether for endurance sports or short, intense sports such as bodybuilding, the amino acids contained in these dietary supplements help to maintain effort by reducing muscular fatigueand provide energy that can be used directly during the session.

Should I take BCAAs on rest days to aid recovery? 

BCAAs are useful for rapidly supplying amino acids to the body under stress (before, during or after a session) in order to combat muscle catabolism and provide energy.

You can therefore take BCAAs on rest days, but their benefits are more limited. When you're not exerting yourself, your body doesn't need a protein intake that can be assimilated as quickly, and prefers complete proteinscontaining all the amino acids the body can use. Eating or taking whey are sufficient on rest days.

On the other hand, around the sessions, BCAAs will be extremely useful for boosting recovery thanks to their ease of assimilation and key role in protein synthesis.

What ratio of BCAAs to choose for better recovery? 

2:1:1, 4:1:1, even 8:1:1: you're looking to choose the best BCAA ratio to boost your recovery ?

In reality, there is no ideal ratio! In theory, the higher the leucine ratio, the greater your protein synthesis will bemaking recovery easier. It's the amino acid that plays THE predominant role in promoting muscle anabolism.

In practice, however, you shouldn't go for the highest leucine ratios! Keeping a balance between the three amino acids will enable you to benefit from all the advantages of these BCAAs: both in terms of recovery and the energy delivered during the session.

It's a global action on the body that enables you to achieve your best performance. We therefore recommend a 2:1:1 ratio.