Why is it important to eat vegetables?

What are the health benefits of vegetables?

There are many benefits to eating vegetables for helping you to be more muscular and more dry. Vegetables are low in calories, and therefore ideal to eat during a period of dryness or weight loss. You can eat as much as you like! What's more, they'll help you feel less bloated! 

Most vegetables are made up essentially of water, a few carbohydrates, and are virtually free of fats and proteins. They'll give your body plenty of vitamins and minerals (including calcium, magnesium, potassium and iron), fiber and antioxidants, so you'll avoid deficiencies. 
Vegetables are high-fiber which will facilitate transit. 


Some vegetables contain vitamins such as :


Vitamin A

contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system, preserves our skin and bones and maintains normal vision. Foods rich in vitamin A : carrots, sweet potatoes, canned pumpkin, kale, spinach, melon, red bell pepper.

Vitamin B6

Essential to our body and helps protein synthesis. 

Foods rich in vitamin B6 : pulses (lentils), carrots, onions, spinach.

Vitamin B9

Limits cardiovascular risks. 

Foods rich in vitamin B9 : Brussels sprouts, baked beans, kidney beans, broccoli, lentils, cauliflower.

Vitamin C

fights cell ageing, reduces fatigue and boosts immunity.

Foods rich in vitamin C: peppers, broccoli, kale, parsley, lemon.

Vitamin D

Essential for bones, muscles and teeth. 

Foods rich in vitamin D : avocado, mushrooms.


Vitamin E

Contains anti-inflammatory properties and will also protect the body against cardiovascular disease. 

Foods rich in vitamin E: asparagus, chickpeas, chestnuts, broccoli, spinach, tomatoes.


Vitamin K

Its role is to maintain healthy bone tissue.

Foods rich in vitamin K: kale, spinach, carrot juice, broccoli.


The benefits of vegetables for weight gain :

Vegetables contain fiber, which helps regulate blood sugar levels, and are rich in micronutrients essential for the body to function properly. They are low in calories, which means they can be eaten in large quantities.


The benefits of vegetables for weight loss and dryness:

Vegetables are high in water content and low in calories, the perfect combo for weight loss. They are rich in fiber and are good for transit, which promotes weight loss.