Creatine, Whey, or BCAA: What complement to choose and why?

Creatine, Whey and BCAA are the three most popular sports nutrition products and supplements in the bodybuilding sphere. Each of them brings specific and complementary benefits: muscle gain, power, and better recovery are there. But what is the best supplement adapted to your needs? When to consume them? Is it possible to associate whey with creatine? The BCAA and the Whey? We answer the most posed questions on the subject! 

Whey, to stimulate muscle construction

There whey, under its name of whey or even whey protein, is often considered the St-Graal of nutrition products in athletes and fitness practitioners. Derived from the dairy or cheese industry, Whey is nothing more than a High quality and quickly assimilable complete protein source by the body. 

While proteins are an essential macronutrient for Maintain your muscle mass, maximize its construction And facilitate recovery, the needs required by sports are sometimes high and difficult to reach. 

For fitness enthusiasts, Whey is a simple means to fill your protein quota of the day, Without bringing a surplus of carbohydrates and lipids. Whether concentrated, isolate, or hydrolyzed, it is easy to digest and well absorbed by the body. 

If you are looking to boost your recovery and facilitate your muscle growth, it is definitely a must-have to have in your cupboards! 

Creatine, to promote muscle power 

In intensive and fitness room, creatine is a very popular food supplement for promote power And muscle strength, and improve performance during training. 

This amino acid derivative that is naturally found in the body brings energy in muscle cells during the effort for Facilitate muscles contraction. The problem ? The stocks are low and very quickly exhausted. 

The contribution of creatine Via the consumption of food supplements makes it possible to support the activity of this amino acid longer. Result ? There muscle fatigue is delayed, and improved performance. There follows an increase in your strength as and when uses. 

If you are looking to gain strength and reach new pr, creatine is your best ally. 

BCAAs, for more energy and better recovery

THE Bcaa, or branched amino acids represent three amino acids found in the body: Leucine, isoleucine, and valine. They are said to be "essential" because they cannot be synthesized by the body and must be provided by food (or food supplements). 

If these three amino acids are privileged in sports nutrition, compared to the other 17, it is not for nothing; They have very special roles. Faced with muscular catabolism (degradation) which intervenes during the sports session, the BCAA limits these effects and activate muscle synthesis (anabolism). Consequently, they improve recovery and reduce damage to muscles

Consumed before and during the session, they also provide energy quickly available to maintain your effort over time and delay physical fatigue

BCAAs are ideal If you are looking to improve your post-training recovery. 


When to take Whey, creatine and BCAA? 

As you can see, using Whey, Creatine and BCAA essentially depends on your goals. Each of them can be consumed during a muscle dryer or a weight gain But meet different needs:

  • there whey can be taken to bring more protein to the body, promote recovery and Muscles construction
  • there creatine allows a muscle power gain and an increase in force in terms; 
  • THE BCAA improve recovery And give you energy to face the effort during the session. 

In terms of taking taking, we generally advise to take the whey post workout If you do not eat a meal within two hours, or integrated into your snacks of the day to complete your contributions. 

For BCAAs, they can be taken before, during, or after the session

As for creatine, you can take it Around the session. 

Associate creatine and whey: the good idea? 

Since all the benefits of these supplements are complementary, can we associate them with each other? Do not panic, your shaker is not likely to explode. Whey and creatine are very often taken during the same period To combine the positive effects of one and the other. 

A study even shown the effects of this double supplementation compared to whey alone

This synergy is a good idea to promote the strength and simultaneous increase in the mass of muscles. 

If there is no contraindication to mix your supplements in the same shaker, we recommend that you Take them at different times so as not to disturb their assimilation. 

Can we mix Whey and BCAA in a single shaker? 

BCAA and Whey are two supplements that can be used during the same period. However, it is not always wise to take them at the same time, in the same shaker. We explain to you! 

Whey is a complete protein. This means that it contains all the amino acids, including essential amino acids and the famous BCAA, even if they are present in lower quantity. 

Add an additional BCAA dose with this wheel intake can strengthen the action ! Nevertheless, it is also possible to space their catch for more results.