Virgin Mojito Raspberry

An alcohol and protein version of the famous Virgin Mojito! Based on raspberry whey protein, optimizes your muscle intake by having fun.
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Home made granola-bars

This Home Granola recipe is an excellent alternative to industrial granolas often rich in sugars and poor in protein.
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Protein & Ultra Gourmet yogurt

An idea of ​​healthy and super protein snack. Ready in just 5 minutes top time!
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Wrap with protein chicken

A healthy and terribly gourmet meal to have fun lunch or dinner!
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Banana protein smoothie

Want to fill up on protein by having fun? The banana smoothie and whey inshape nutrition is ideal!
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Raspberry protein sorbet

An ultra simple, fast and terribly refreshing recipe for raspberry protein sorbet!
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Protein chocolate log

Looking for a Christmas dessert but you don't want to explode your quota of sugars? This protein log is a tasty way to build muscle for Christmas
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Hot protein almond protein drink

A hot, gourmet drink to warm up in winter. Based on whey and spread almond, it allows you to fill up on proteins!
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Maxi Pancake Protein

A maxi protein pancake for the gourmet maxi!
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Energy Balls Proteinées

A small cravings, the Energy Balls are the healthy, delicious and protein snacks that will delight your taste buds!
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Energy Balls Halloween 👻

A healthy and original snack for Haloowen: Energy Balls!
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Chocolate protein porridge

A healthy and balanced breakfast and above all terribly gourmet!
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