When to consume omega-3? The best moment

Omega-3s are essential fatty acids for the operation of the body, and have beneficial health effects. The problem ? They must absolutely be provided by food or food supplements because the body does not synthesize them. But when it comes to their consumption, is the timing crucial to optimize the effectiveness of these nutrients? What is the best time of the day to take his supplements? We tell you everything about the most conducive time for taking omega-3! 

What are omega-3s? 

Omega-3, Poly-insaturated fatty acids essential to our well-being, are available in three distinct molecules:

  • Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), mainly present in plants, 
  • Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), predominant in fish, 
  • And Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)

Like omega-6, omega-3s are essential fatty acids: they need to be brought via food. Unfortunately, our modern eating habits have caused an imbalance, with a overconsumption of omega-6 surpassing up to 30 times that of omega-3. Consequently, this situation can impact overall health. So it is important to'Increase our contribution in omega-3 in order to restore this balance. 

From fatty acids to health benefits 

Omega-3s are known to have beneficial effects, both on health and for sports. As a constituent of cell membranes in the cerebral level, they are essential to Good nervous system development. But that's not all ! It has been shown that they contribute to normal heart function, as well as A normal vision

On the sports performance side, there is not yet allegation on the interest of omega-3 for bodybuilding, but scientific studies have already highlighted their benefits For : 

  • THE Strengthening muscle functions, by acting on neuromuscular activity and muscle fatigue; 
  • The attenuation of pain during the Recovery periods
  • Optimize the mind and reduce stress, important factors to improve its performance in the room. 


When to decide to supplement yourself? 

There are several reasons that can push you to supplement omega-3, whether they are medical or not, in the event of a low -fat diet, or during the practice of a high -level sport. 

First of all, this recommendation can be made by a nutrition professional Or your doctor in special cases, depending on your global state of health. He will then be able to guide you on the dose and the duration of taking. 

Apart from this context, it can be difficult for you to ask yourself if you really need an omega-3 contribution via the consumption of food supplements: 

  • Are you a vegetarian? If so, you have no omega-3 intake via fish and animal products. In this case, supplementation can sometimes be interesting in order to avoid deficiencies.

  • Are you used to bodybuilding rooms? So food supplements are a good way to reach your intake and make you benefit from their effects on performance and recovery. 

What is the best time of the day for taking omega-3? 

When to take its omega-3 ? What is the ideal schedule? Should they consume them in the morning, for lunch, in the evening? How often ? The consumption of these small capsules often bring many questions about the moment of taking. 

No need to carry out incredible planning and keep your calendar up to date: The taking of omega-3 can be done as much in the morning, as at noon or in the evening, since it does not disturb sleep. Some will advise you to take your supplements at breakfast to enjoy the potential effects on concentration. But a regular omega-3 contribution does not cause a difference if fatty acids are taken at 9 am or 6 pm. 

On the other hand, It is recommended to take them during meals, in parallel with another amount of lipids. Indeed, this improves their absorption by the body and maximizes their health benefits. 

It is also possible to take them around training, before or after your sports session, to prioritize good muscle recovery. 

But before thinking about the exact timing, one thing is certain: to enjoy the benefits of these fatty acids, You must regularly take your supplements. This is the key to obtaining its positive effects on the body! 


What dose of omega-3 per day? 

According to nutritional recommendations, it is recommended to Consume daily between 2 and 3 grams of omega-3: 

  • For alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), this corresponds to approximately 1% of the total energy supply, or about 2 grams for a man consuming 2,000 calories per day.
  • For eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), it is advisable to Consume 250 milligrams of each per day.

These recommendations include both omega-3 present in food and those from food supplements ! This is an important parameter to take into account if you go. Do not forget to count your contributions that come from fish, eggs, dairy products and vegetable oils. And yes, these recommended contributions are currently equally applicable to high -level athletes, including for bodybuilding followers.

Omega-3 supplements of the Inshape Nutrition brand provide 6,53700 milligrams of omega-3, which makes it an ideal option to complete a balanced diet.

A higher consumption of omega-3 on a daily basis has not shown additional beneficial health effects. No need to overdose by drinking a bottle of rapeseed oil! 

In conclusion: supplements for any time of the day 

There is no unique time perfect for your omega-3. Make sure you take the right dose and stay regular, consume them at the same time as your meal, and add an additional lipid source to facilitate their absorption.