Creatine: When to take it? What dose?

Star food supplement of fitness rooms, creatine is talked about. If its benefits are proven on performance and muscle mass, there are two questions: how to take it and what dose? When to consume it?

What is creatine? 

Ok, creatine is a food supplement popular in the world of sport to improve your perfs, increase strength and power and facilitate recovery. So far, no surprise. But what exactly is it? 

Creatine is above all a naturally produced amino acid by the human body. It is mainly stored in the muscles, where it is used as an energy source during intense and short -lived activities. 

Outside the body, we find it of course in the food supplements, but also in certain foods, such as meat and fish. However, the food dose is generally too low to obtain the desired effects. 

When to take creatine?

There creatine Maybe beneficial for athletes who seek to give themselves a boost to boost perfs. But is there a Ideal time for it to be as effective as possible

Sorry to disappoint you, but no. You can of course Optimize creatine taking Depending on your goal, but there is no time that will double its effectiveness. So put this watch and relax. 

The most important rule to take your creatine? Consume its supplement regularly ! This is really what will help you to benefit as much as possible from its positive effects. 


What is the best time of the day to consume it: before or after training? 

It all depends on your goal ! Even if once again, the moment of taking only varies the effectiveness of your capsule. 

If the goal is to maximize the effects of creatine on physical performance, it is recommended to take creatine before training. This increases creatine levels in muscles before physical activity.

If the goal is to Promote recovery after training, it is recommended to take creatine after training. This allows creatine reserves to be reconstructed in muscles and promoting muscle recovery.

Simple, right? 

What dose of creatine to take? 

National recommendations are 3 g of creatine per day. This dosage has been calculated to help reconstruct the stocks and maintain them, without being too brutal for the body.

But beware ! This indication is general and may vary depending on the shape of the product chosen. In any case, see the manufacturer's indications and Respect the dose it recommend. An overdose could lead to disadvantages and harmful effects on the body. 


Should we be supplemented the rest days? 

It is recommended to take Creatine every day, even on rest days. This helps maintain high levels of creatine in muscles and promote muscle recovery. As we said, the key to efficiency is regularity! 


How to consume creatine for maximum efficiency? 

In mass gain or in dry, do you want to maximize the benefits of creatine? For that, you must consider some key elements of its consumption: 

  • The duration of taking 

Should it be taken in treatment or consume it throughout the year? Scientific studies are not yet clear on the subject. The majority of people prefer to follow creatine consumption cycles, generally lasting 8 to 12 weeks, followed by a minimum rest period to avoid the body to get used to this contribution and push it to produce creatine naturally. But there is currently no evidence that long -term consumption is really harmful. 

  • His galenic: powder or capsule? 

  • The two forms of creatine are equal. At equivalent dose, there is no difference between the two. Some prefer the capsule for more practicality, others promote powder for greater flexibility. It all depends on your consumption habits. It is not to forget it! 

    For the powder, mix it in a lot of water (or fruit juice). 

  • Should we eat at the same time? 

  • Not necessarily ! But a rapid carbohydrate intake (a compote, a fruit juice or other sugar quickly assimilated) facilitates the supply of nutrients to the muscle, and will bring creatine more quickly. 

  • What additional complements to promote efficiency? 

  • Without playing the chemist, you can consume your creatine alone or at the same time as other complements of sports nutrition. It can for example be combined with amino acids such as glutamine or Bcaa To optimize muscle recovery.