BCAA: its benefits on muscle recovery

A supplement of sports nutrition for decades, the BCAAs have been known to the bodybuilding rooms. Often acclaimed to help maintain and increase muscle mass, they are mainly consumed for their effects on recovery after training. What is it really? Are these food supplements really effective for athletes? 

The BCAA, what are we talking about? 

The proteins of the human body are made up of small bricks assembled one following the other: amino acids. There are 20 different types in the body, 9 of which are said to be "essential". This means that they cannot be synthesized by the body, but must be brought through food

THE Relations with BCAAs

Among these essential amino acids, we find the leucine, valine, and isoleucine. However, it is precisely these same amino acids that are found in the BCAA (Branched-Chain Amino Acid, or branched amino acids)! 

If these amino acids were chosen to make food supplements, it is for their privileged role: 

  • there leucine, the most important of the three, contributes to the growth and repair of bone muscles and tissue. It avoids too large degradation of muscle proteins after exercise; 
  • isoleucine, which stimulates the immune function, the secretion of various hormones, and which regulates energy levels by its action on blood sugar;
  • there valine, which ensures the proper maintenance of cognitive functions and muscle coordination. 

What is the action of BCAAs on the body of the sportsman? 

So that the human body can maintain and create muscle mass, the protein synthesis (anabolism) is greater than protein degradation (catabolism). Conversely, if catabolism is more important than anabolism, then you will lose muscle. 

Or, for Facilitate this protein synthesis, it is necessary to bring enough proteins and amino acids to the body, including the famous BCAA, these branched amino acids whose role is essential and privileged for the construction of muscles. 

Thus, taking these food supplements, you Promote the increase in muscle synthesis

This phenomenon has a Direct positive impact on recovery

What benefits of BCAA on post-training recovery? 

1. BCAAs limit muscle pain after effort 

Who has never known big aches after a very intense leg day? Do you know, when to mount stairs seems insurmountable to you? 

Of the studies have shown the interest of the BCAAs for Reduce muscle discomfort after training And Limit across the aches in time and intensity. There is something to rejoice! By recovering faster, you can quickly return to work your quadriceps, ischios-filsiers and calves! 

2. BCAAs help increase muscle mass 

We never say it enough, the rest is just as important as training If you want to observe results and muscle hypertrophy. Sessions 7 days a week will not give you more results, and may even be counterproductive. 

For what ? 

Because it is between the time of the end of your training and the session according to your muscles are repaired and build new muscle fibers. 

By promoting protein anabolism as a result of your session, the BCAAs help maintain and Increase your muscle mass during recovery periods, which makes good allies! 

However, their effectiveness alone is limited. It is necessaryOnly full proteins In parallel in order to have all essential amino acids. 


What are the other benefits of this complement for the sportsman? 

In addition to its benefits for recovery, BCAAs have other uses. Whether for endurance sports or short and intense sports such as bodybuilding, amino acids contained in these food supplements help Maintain effort by reducing muscle fatigue, And bring energy directly usable during the session. 

Do you have to take BCAA on rest days to help recovery? 

BCAAs are useful to quickly bring amino acids to the body under effort (before, during, or after the session) in order to fight against muscle catabolism and bring energy

So you can take bcaa During rest days, but their interest is more limited. Indeed, apart from the effort, the body does not require a protein intake so quickly assimilable, and prefers full protein, containing all the amino acids usable by the body. Food or taking whey are sufficient on rest days. 

On the other hand, around sessions, BCAAs will be of great use to boost recovery Thanks to their great ease of assimilation and their key roles in protein synthesis. 

Which BCAA ratio to choose for better recovery? 

2: 1: 1, 4: 1: 1, or even 8: 1: 1: you are looking to choose the best BCAA ratio for boost your recovery as much as possible

In reality, there is no ideal ratio! In theory, The more the leucine ratio will be high, the more your protein synthesis will be increased, facilitating your recovery. It’s amino acid that has the predominant role in promoting muscle anabolism. 

Nevertheless, in practice, you should not throw yourself on the biggest leucine ratios! Keep a balance between the three amino acids Allows you to enjoy all the benefits of these BCAAs: both on recovery but also on the energy delivered during the session. 

It is a global action on the body that allows you to achieve your best performance. We therefore advise you to go to a Ratio 2: 1: 1