Protein cookies & gourmet

Ingredients :

  • 90 g of Inshape nutrition oatmeal
  • 1 dose of Whey Protein Cookie, chocolate or vanilla flavor inshape nutrition
  • egg 
  • 1 banana and a half
  • 1 tsp. coffee baking
  • 80 g of flour
  • A few songs dark chocolate
  • For more gluttony: Almonds, hazelnuts ...


Preparation :

Preheat the oven to 180 ° C.
Mix the egg, oatmeal, flour, whey protein and baking powder.
Crush the banana and add there to the preparation.
Mix to obtain a homogeneous paste.
Break the dark chocolate into small pieces then add them to the preparation, as well as the almonds and hazelnuts.

Mix again.
Form dough balls and flatten them slightly.
Bake for about 15 minutes.
Check the cooking from time to time, then let cool on a baking sheet.

It's ready !

Enjoy the delicious healthy and especially soft cookies inside. 😋

Inshape nutrition protein cookie
Whey inshape nutrition protein cookieProtein cookies
Tibo's advice : Alternate flavors using all our protein whey: cookie, vanilla, chocolate