Why take creatine in mass?

Whey, BCAA, pre-workout, casein, creatine ... The choice of food supplements to improve the performance and appearance of bodybuilding practitioners is so wide that it can lead to confusion. Without question, creatine is a wise choice to promote muscle growth during intense and short exercises. It is therefore a food supplement to favor a mass gaining objective. For what ? How to consume it for maximum efficiency? 


What is creatine? 


Above all, creatine is a substance naturally present in the body, that we find in the muscles and the brain. It is produced by the liver, pancreas and kidneys from amino acids such as arginine, glycine and methionine, at the rate of 1 to 2 grams per day.

But that's not all, since it is also a Sports nutrition supplement

Why this craze for this product in the fitness sphere? Because its fundamental role is to Provide energy to muscle cells and contribute to their contraction. 

How it works ? 

In the body, creatine is stored in the form of phosphocreatine (it is linked to a molecule of phosphate). During chemical reactions, she loses this phosphate molecule which will join an ADP molecule (adenosine diphosphate), which leads to the formation of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). However, this ATP is essentially the molecule responsible for cellular energy supply and the proper functioning of cells. In short, Creatine indirectly helps to create energy. 

But if the body has a creatine reserve, it is far too weak when you practice a short and intense activity such as bodybuilding. For quickly increase these reserves, we therefore find the food supplements! 

Creatine and mass gain: why is it useful to consume it? 

If you want to gain massage, you are therefore trying to increase your muscle mass by limiting fat. The way to get there? Put intensity in its gym sessions, while increasing its total calorie to promote muscle growth. 

If sport itself as well as nutrition are the pillars of a successful mass gain, creatine is a complement that is nonetheless useful. 

  • She boosts performance 

  • In any intense effort, whether it is a lifting of the earth or a squat, the body uses ATP reserves available and stored in muscle cells to allow maximum contraction of muscles. 

    Creatine supplements are involved in facilitating the production of this same ATP To avoid the exhaustion of these very limited reserves. 

    Creatine prolongs intense effort and delays muscle fatigue, causing a Performance increase. Now who says performance and intensity, says Maximum muscle gain

  • It hydrates muscle fibers 

  • Creatine tends to bring water to muscle cells. They say thatIt promotes water retention. This is why you may seem larger when taking creatine. Nevertheless, do not scream victory, this retention goes away from the supplements. 

    However, muscle fibers being well hydrated, you promote glycogen reserves in the muscles (since the latter is automatically linked to a water molecule), and therefore you increase glucose that can be transformed into ATP in these cells. 

  • An action on muscle construction? 

  • Of the studies have shown that creatine consumption could have a Direct impact on protein synthesis By acting on components of certain modulative paths (MTOR), as well as on the very creatine of muscle tissue, by modifying the secretions of myokine (IGF-1). 

    However, scientific research has not yet really enlightened these mechanisms of action and these facts cannot currently be asserted with certainty. 


    How to take the creatine in mass gain? 

    To make the most of the effects of creatine on mass gain, the best is to consume your Dose before training, in order to maximize the performance and tension exerted on the muscle responsible for hypertrophy. But you can also take it After training to maximize recovery By reconstructing stocks. 

    In general, it is recommended to take a dose 3 g of creatine per day for 6 to 8 weeks, without making a charge dose in the first days. They are now judged to be not necessary, and not necessarily more effective!  In any case, see the manufacturer's indications. 

    Complete your creatine dose with a Portion of carbohydrates : You promote its assimilation! 

    As for the best creatine to take to have maximum volume, it seems that the Creatine monohydrate be the best choice. For what ? It is on this that all scientific studies are based, and therefore the proven effects. Why look any farther ? It is effective without bringing a string of undesirable effects.