What whey consume in mass gain?

Often used to help muscle construction, Whey Protein is a must of the closets of bodybuilding practitioners. It can be taken at any time of the year, whether during muscle dryer, maintenance, or mass gain. 

If the sheaths are the first people we think about muscle gain, they are not the only useful proteins! What whey consume in mass gain? What is the best choice ? How to optimize the effectiveness of powdered protein? 

Tibo that makes bodybuilding

What is mass gain? 

Mass gain is a term used in the bodybuilding room to name the period during which themain objective is muscle construction In priority, unlike the muscle dryer which promotes muscle definition. 

It automatically implies a increase in calorie contributions of the day, with a diet rich in protein and carbohydrates, in order to best facilitate the construction of the muscles. 

This increase in energy intake Help performance gain, and generally makes it possible to grow heavier in polyarticular exercises (squat, bench press, lifted earth, etc.). However, a greater effort more intensely solicits the muscles, and stimulates muscle anabolism after the sports session. 

Why undertake a mass gain ? If it is not exclusively reserved for them, mass gain is interesting for bodybuilders in preparation for a competition, or for people struggling to gain weight and muscle. 

What is the place of the whey protein in all of this? 

Why take whey protein in mass gain? 

To quickly understand theinterest of the whey protein, let's take an example. A man of 90 kilos begins a mass gain during which he wants to reach a protein intake of 2.2 g per kilo of body weight. This represents nearly 200 g of protein during the day, or more than 800 g of chicken fillet

Even with large amounts of legumes, cereals, dairy products and other protein materials, it is sometimes complicated to reach this protein quota Without going beyond your carbohydrate and lipid needs, other macronutrients. 

The whey protein therefore becomes interesting for Increase your protein intake quality. By being in the form of a powder, its digestion time is reduced and helps you not feel too heavy throughout the day. 

Whey also facilitates the Post-training recovery


What is the best whey for a dry mass gain? 

Regardless of the whey you choose, it will allow you to contribute to muscle construction and optimize recovery. But should we favor one in particular? 

Whey concentrated, isolate, or hydrolyzed : What is the best choice ? 

If the whey isolate is privileged during a muscle dryer, the rules are not the same for mass gain: take the whey that suits you best! 

Indeed, the Whey concentrated contains more lactose and fatty acids than other types. However, in mass gain, it is generally little importance! Rich in BCAA and other amino acids, it is just as effective as an isolate from Whey or a whey hydrolyzed. On the other hand, avoid it if you are lactose intolerant. 

The only point to note? Choose a quality whey of a mark of trust, and produced in France, in order to obtain the best possible efficiency.


Whey protein vs gainer: which powder to choose? 

But what protein to choose between whey and gainer, this reference protein in mass gain? 

Both have their benefits

THE sheathe, consisting of a mixture of whey protein and rapidly assimilable carbohydrates, generally based on oats, is very practical For athletes who do not have time to prepare a full snack: very calorie, it helps you reach your energy goals for the day. The combination of carbohydrates and proteins to be taken after training promotes muscle construction. 

But the gainer has disadvantages

  • there protein concentration is less important than in a classic whey; 
  • if your carbohydrate of the day is already important, the addition of this type of powder can be superfluous; 
  • There is Whey concentrate : Not practical for lactose intolerants! 

On the side of whey protein, it allowsReach your daily protein quota And leaves you the choice of your carbohydrate snack. You can associate it with oat powder (as in the case of a gainer), a home -prepared cake, bread, or any other source of carbohydrates. 

How to make a dry mass gain with Whey? 

To succeed in your Dry mass gain with whey protein, here are a few tips : 

  • Increase your calorie intake without doing too much. Even in mass gain, be sure not to eat everything and anything! Maintain a balanced diet Throughout this period to have better results. 
  • Integrate Whey into your daily life : It is not there to replace your meals, but helps in order to complete the contributions. Do not make it your only source of protein.