What is the Clear Whey Protein?

Whey's Shaker is a must of athletes fans of bodybuilding in order to complete the daily contributions and promote muscles. The creamy and sometimes somewhat pasty texture can disgust more than one. A new type of whey is gaining popularity: the Clear Whey Protein. Lighter to tasting, what is it really? What are the benefits?

The Clear Whey Protein: What are we talking about? 

The Clear Whey, just like the other types of whey, is a powdered foodstuff made up of whey proteins (or whey). Generally produced from Whey isolate, it allows you to obtain a Clear, light, fruity and refreshing drink while bringing a good dose of protein per portion. 

Clear Whey and Whey Classic: What difference? 

The Clear Whey and the so -called "classic" whey, whether concentrated, hydrolyzed, or in the form of an isolate, have similar nutritional characteristics. However, the Clear Whey generally contains Less carbohydrates (lactose) and lipids that other types of powdered protein. 

It undergoes a similar manufacturing process, but it is subject to more meticulous filtration which allowseliminate a maximum of unproteic compounds, like lactose or fat, in order to insulate only whey proteins. 

Result ? There solution is clearer, transparent and light that the classic whey, she has a good miscity, and the digestibility is better. You understand, the major difference is at the level of the texture.  

What are the characteristics of the Clear Whey? 

1. Its nutritional composition rich in protein

Nutritional composition level, the Clear Whey Protein has nothing to envy its competitors. Generally composed of lactrum protein isolate, it is a quality protein source that brings all amino acids to the body in good quantity. This drink is therefore interesting for the recovery as well as for muscle growth

His plus? It contains that little lactose, ideal for intolerants, as well as a very low fat rate. 


2. Its light texture

Unlike other whey which have a thick and creamy texture, the Clear Whey Protein is distinguished by a light texture and by clarity. It does not form lumps or residues. It is an ideal protein drink in summer since it is not very nourishing, nor too heavy on the stomach. 


3. Various tastes

If we find the Clear Whey in classic flavors such as vanilla or chocolate, it is especially acclaimed for its Fruity and refreshing tastes. There is something for all palaces, and all desires and it gives the impression of drinking fruit juice, slightly sweet soda or lemonade. She transforms the shaker into a disaltering drink. 

The 4 benefits to choose the Clear Whey Protein 

1. A quickly assimilable protein 

Since it has been lightened by all fat and carbohydrates, the Clear Whey Protein is very easily assimilated by the body. The amino acids it contains are therefore quickly available at the muscular level : A real advantage for recovery. 

2. A low calorie content 

Low in fat and carbohydrates, the Clear Whey Protein is low in calories while being rich in protein. So this is an interesting whey if you are looking to control your weight Or if you are dry.

3. A protein with good digestibility 

With few carbohydrates and lipids, it is a whey generally well tolerated by the stomach which does not leave a feeling of heaviness.


4. All the advantages of the classic whey 

Obviously, the Clear Whey Protein keeps all the advantages of the classic Whey. Not only is it a Good protein source Who helps you reach your daily quota more easily without adding other macronutrients, but it is also your ally to recover from your bodybuilding sessions. 

By providing amino acids quickly assimilated to the body essential to the construction of muscles and by stimulating the release of anabolic hormones such as insulin, it Promotes muscle growth And the strength gain. 

It also allows Reduce recovery time Between each session. 

How to take your Clear Whey on a daily basis? 

Right after training or snacks during the day, there is no strict rule with regard to the when consumption of your whey

At the dose level, there is No daily grammage to be respected per day, since it is a protein source like any other. It all depends on your weight, sex and age. According to ANSES, a satisfactory protein intake can vary from 0.83 g/kilo in body weight/day to 2.2 g/kg of body weight. 

Depending on your specific needs, you can adapt your whey dose per day, while remaining reasonable. Avoid exceeding two doses per day In order to vary your protein sources. 

Convenience, Clear Whey mixes with water In a shaker to take it quickly. You can also integrate it into sweet recipes