What foods are rich in iron?

What is iron for?

Iron is essential for our body. He is a real actor in the transfer of oxygen to the muscles.

If you lack iron, it can cause a anemia*. It is therefore important to consume foods rich in sufficient quantities in order to remain healthy.


An anemia* What is it?

This is an abnormal drop in blood -blooded hemoglobin. That is to say, blood is struggling to transport oxygen to cells. The causes of anemia are multiple, however iron deficiency is the most frequent.

What symptoms can be found when an iron deficiency appears?

Intense fatigue, shortness of breath, a lack
energy. Signs like brittle nails, skin and
Dry hair can also mean an iron deficiency.

Food -rich food

The importance of iron in sportsmen

For athletes, iron can play a critical role in physical performance because it contributes to the oxygen intake of the muscles. Training requires (for most of the time) a greater iron consumption, since the iron evaporates in sweat. Professional athletes, such as athletes, who train in conditions where perspiration is more important, are therefore more likely to have iron losses. In principle, a coach will recommend at least one day of rest per week minimum.

This example explains that the dose of iron depends on each of us, according to the frequency and intensity of our physical activity but also our health, our diet etc.

To know : An iron deficiency is not necessarily linked to insufficient iron consumption. Consult your attending physician to know the exact cause.

How to effectively and quickly absorb iron?

Tea, coffee and calcium sources are to be avoided when you eat iron -rich foods because they harm iron absorption. To assimilate iron more quickly, prefer fruits and vegetables. Regularly consume raw vegetables and favor soft cooking (steam, etc.). To promote the absorption of iron, vary the foods rich in iron on your plate. For example, consume a small amount of meat accompanied by other foods rich in iron and vitamin C.

Here is a list of foods rich in iron:

  • Whole grains
  • Spinach
  • White beans
  • Sesame
  • Chickpeas
  • Lenses
  • Algae
  • Parsley
  • Chia seeds
  • Soy beans
  • Beans
  • Black pudding
  • Dandelion
  • Tofu
  • Oysters
  • Meats


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