Protein pancakes

Ingredients (for about 5 pancakes):


  1. In a bowl, mix the flour, the 200 ml of oat milk, the eggs and the whey protein vanilla using a whisk.

  2. Pour a little of the preparation in another container and add the 30 ml of oat milk and the 10 g of Whey Protein Chocolat. Also mix with a whisk.

  3. In a previously oiled pan with coconut oil, form a whirlwind with the chocolate preparation.

  4. After 30 seconds, pour the classic preparation to make your pancake. Turn the pancake over after about 1 min and let it cook for 1 min, monitoring the cooking.

Whey protein pancake


Tibo's advice : You can also make simple pancakes without the "whirlwind" version therefore without the chocolate part.